There are no second chances when it comes to having the right life cover
It need not be daunting… You can get sufficient quality life cover with us. It's transparent and easily-tailored to suit your needs - and pocket!

Life cover is important,
and here's why:
Why do your life cover with Capital Legacy?
Because our life insurance
puts your beneficiaries first
The Cover
It's smart to opt for a comprehensive cover that includes illness and impairment, creates a trust for your children, and lasts your whole life without any executor or trustee fees.
The Premiums
Our insurance plans offer fair pricing with sustainable premium increases below the industry average and flexible options for premium payment.
The Process
With the convenience of choosing to work with us directly or through your advisor, no need for medical testing in most cases, and the added benefit of getting your will done quickly and easily, our services provide a hassle-free solution.
Over 9 000 financial advisors
already choose us to help their clients
Did you know…
Capital Legacy was the first to bring a life cover that automatically creates a trust for your children with no costs attached for it.

Get an idea of what your life insurance costs
Our quality life insurance ensures that neither you or your beneficiaries are left
Use the below to slide left or right and see how much our cover may
cost you.
Your life insurance need
R 3,000,000
Optional disability cover
R 0

Our solution for life insurance is of MyCover™ and disability cover of of MyAbility™ from only
Our solution for life insurance is R 3,000,000 of MyCover™ from only
per month
R 315.90
per month
We apologize for any inconvenience caused, but our product is exclusively available to individuals with a monthly income of R17 500 and above.
*Based on a 41-year-old
male non-smoker.
All quotes are subject to medicals.

While we can’t promise that you’ll live forever...
Our flexible life cover keeps you ahead of the game - and with more benefits: comparably better rates, a plan that can seamlessly integrate with your will and estate, a hassle-free solution that ensures that your life cover is used the way you intended, and much more.
Up to R 15 000 000 life cover
Easy application process
Impairment and critical illness cover
You can lean on one of our friendly life cover specialists to get the right deal, quickly & easily
MyCover™ options
Choose an option that suits you and your pocket
With Protected Cover
A non-accelerated option which means, if you had to claim on your disability cover, the benefit for your life cover will not be affected.
Frequently asked questions
What is an education protector?
An education protector is a safety net for your child’s education, in the case that you are no longer around to help cover the costs associated with their schooling, from pre-primary school to university. An education protector ensures that funds are securely ring-fenced to take care of your children’s education and care needs if you pass away, become severely ill or impaired. Given the nature of our integration of wills, trusts, insurance, technology & administration, parents can rest easy knowing that their children will enjoy the future that they deserve, if they are no longer around to provide for them. EduCare™ is Capital Legacy’s solution to the risk of passing away without leaving behind sufficient funding to cover your children’s education and care.
Does my life cover form part of my estate?
Your life cover only forms part of your estate if you nominate your estate as the beneficiary on the life cover beneficiary nomination form. However, should your nominated beneficiary pre-decease you, the benefit could be paid to your estate and therefore form part of your estate.
Do I need to go for blood tests for MyCover™?
For R10 million cover or less, you do not need to go for a blood test and we only require non-invasive underwriting. For cover greater than R10 million, you will be required to go for a blood test.
What about relatives not listed?
In circumstances where distant relatives do not inherit according to Islamic law, they may be allocated a bequest in an Islamic Will, provided that the sum of all bequests cannot exceed one-third of the estate. Alternatively, they can be nominated as beneficiaries of the MyCover™ extender on the Tazkiya™ Family Takaful.
Is it compulsory for Muslims to draft a will?
Yes, it is compulsory. Islamic law is currently not recognised in South Africa and if there is no Islamic will, or any will for that matter, the Intestate Succession Act would govern the administration of the estate. The Prophet Mohammed, may peace be upon him, stated that it is unlawful for a Muslim to let three nights go by without drafting a will. This underscores the importance of a will in the Islamic faith. If you live in a country that does not recognise Islamic inheritance law, then the aforementioned hadith would be even more relevant to you.
Can minor children be beneficiaries of life cover?
Technically, yes. However, this is not best practice, as minor children's finances still fall under the curatorship of their guardian. If you have minor children, you should consider the use of a testamentary trust as a vehicle to protect their inheritance.
Not to brag, but we're kinda good at what we do.
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