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What are the benefits of education insurance?
There is money securely ring-fenced to take care of your children's educational needs if you pass away, become severely ill or impaired. EduCare™ is dedicated cover to ensure their continued education and care, should something happen to you.
EduCare™ helps cover school fees, personal care needs, stationery, sporting equipment, food, transport and tertiary education. Over and above the core cover, EduCare™ also includes the following additional benefits:
● The LifeStarter Benefit™ pays out as a cash lump sum when your child turns 18, on the 1st day of their birthday month. This amount is selected by you in the initial calculation.
● The Global Bursary Benefit™ pays up to R5 million in university fees if one or all of your children get accepted into one of the 50 Oxford Global top universities.
● The Achiever Benefit™ pays out a once-off cash lump sum of R150 000, per child, if they qualify for National Colours.
● Medical studies benefit – if any of your children covered choose to study to be a Medical Doctor, up to R100 000 will be paid to the institution per annum, for 3 years, after successfully completing their 4th year of their Bachelor of Medicine degree.
● Estate duty benefit – any estate duty created by taking out EduCare™ will be covered up to R1 million.