- Capital Legacy
- October 18, 2023
Capital Legacy makes the loss of a loved one easier for 15,000 families.
Wills Month ‘23 wrap-up.

You may be thinking, okay, okay enough about Wills Month - we get it. But did you get your will drafted or updated this September? We hope so! We won’t stop beating this drum, with more than 75% of South Africans still without a will. If you haven’t had a chance yet, we understand that life gets busy but don’t worry, it’s not too late. You can still get your affairs in order.
This Wills Month, we were able to track over 12 million impressions of our various campaign components promoting the importance of wills in the online space, our TV ad was seen by hundreds of thousands of South Africans, and we had over 50,000 visitors on our website. Our (and your) efforts resulted in 15,895 Capital Legacy wills being signed across South Africa in September – making the overall campaign a huge success.
This certainly makes a dent in the statistics and every single family we help makes a difference, but we understand that there are still millions of people without a will.
The latest ’22 census reveals that the South African population has grown to 59,627,503 South Africans. If we zoom in and consider just the adult population of those ages 20+, which is around 38.4 million people (population by age band according to Statista SA 2022), this means that more than 28 million people in SA don’t have valid wills.
It’s clear that we need to continue pushing this subject and educating people on the importance thereof and the dire consequences and drama your family can be left with if you pass away intestate (without a will).
Resources and learnings.
If you missed any of our Wills Month articles, blogs or resources related to wills and estate planning, you can learn more on our website or social media pages: https://www.capitallegacy.co.za/media
If you haven’t yet seen our latest advert, “Where there’s a will, there’s a final say”, you can view it here: https://youtu.be/ImSnlZsr4N8?si=rKH2NtKfUN_DDraN
We have 11 offices country-wide, and our expert will consultants are ready to assist you, or you can speak to your Financial Advisor. You can also make use of our simple, 3-step online will: https://www.capitallegacy.co.za/draft-my-will
Our sincere thanks to everyone who supported our mission during Wills Month. No matter how big or small of a role you played, if it led to even one person getting their will in place - it supported the cause. You might recall a campaign a few years ago that drove home the message to the effect of ‘friends don’t let friends drink and drive’, well we would like to encourage the same message when it comes to having a valid and up-to-date last will and testament.
Reaffirming our mission “to make the loss of a loved one easier”.
If you’ve read any of our written pieces over the past year, you will be familiar with the works of one of our esteemed writers. Sadly, we lost this beloved colleague during Wills Month. Once again, we experienced first-hand the reality of how unpredictable life can be, and what a relief it was for his family that he had his will in place. Witnessing how our estate team was able to jump in and assist the family because he documented his last wishes and had his affairs in order, reminded us why we do what we do.
In loving memory of Maarten Coetzee Roos
24.12.1962 – 25.09.2023
Our friend, our colleague, our “work-Granddad” and talented writer.
Whether you’re in need of a
will, life insurance, education
or the power of all three, we have got you covered.